Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Home Tags Snowboard photography

snowboard photography

How to Keep the Dream Alive

This is from the 90s. I was sure I would "make it" and be as cool as JP was soon! If you are reading this...

Hump Day Goes Shooting with Dave Lehl

Ahh, snowboard photographers. Chicks love them, dudes want to be them. Oh wait, that's the actual pro snowboarders. Snowboard photographers are the ones with...

Jess Mooney Finds the Softer Side of Hump Day

After a few weeks of shaking things up, photographer Jess Mooney checks in for a mellow story about making it in the biz.

Sacs de Douche à Québec- Part 3

My awesome Quebec rail trip wraps up, as does my snowboard photography career.

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